10 Things to Do While Waiting For
10. Start planning for your wedding. Hey, why not? Your "Prince Charming" might come to get you sooner than you think, you might as well have a plan. While planning for your big day remember that you probably won't be able to have your dream wedding, do to budget. (Sorry if I just busted your bubble, but if your a big dreamer like me we have to be brought back to reality) So I have planned 3 different types of wedding. The first is my Plan A, my "dream wedding," Plan B, is my "most likely to happen" plan and then there is Plan C, the "I have no money" wedding. That way all the time I've spent planning wedding won't be in vain.
9. Learn how to cook. If you already know how to cook, try something new. Take risk in the kitchen, step out of your comfort zone. While you're looking for you're "Prince Charming" he just might be looking for a damsel that's a great cook.
8. Teach yourself to love cleaning. Figure out ways to make it fun, cause you're not getting out of it. Sing while washing dishes, listen to music while vacuuming or pretend your on game show and time yourself to see how fast you get done. If you want a "Prince Charming" he's more than likely gonna want a clean palace.
7. Make your own personal cookbook. Not many people use cookbooks anymore, we go online and find recipes than print them out. Buy a cute binder or decorate a binder how you want and buy sheet protectors. Print out all of your favorite recipes. Separate all your recipes into different sections Dinner, Desserts, Appetizers, Breakfast, Etc... And as simple as that you have your very own cookbook with all of your favorite recipes. As the years go on you can keep adding more and more recipes.
6. Pamper Yourself. No, don't become conceited about about how you look, but do try to look nice whenever you go out. No "Prince Charming" wants a girl that doesn't take care of herself, if she doesn't take care of herself, how does he know that she will take care of him. Don't go out with wrinkled clothes, or stains on your shirt; be presentable, even when you go the grocery store. You never know, you could meet your "Prince Charming" there.
5. Spend time serving your dad. Look for ways to serve him, greet him when he comes in the door, hug him regularly. Serve dinner the way HE likes it, even if the rest of the family would prefer something different. Help him with projects around the house or wash the car with him. Your "Prince Charming" will one day take the place of your father, put into practice the way we should serve him.
4. Study Proverbs 31. These were the characteristics that Lemuel's mother told him to find in a potential wife. Study these out and model your life after the Proverbs 31 woman. Your "Prince Charming" might just be looking for these character traits in a woman.
3. Pray for your future husband. Even though you may not know him yet, pray for him. He might just be praying for you too. God has a plan for you, let Him know the desires of your heart.
2. Seek wisdom from older women. Does mother really know best? Oh yes she does! Seek her wisdom, she's been there and done that. There's nothing new under the sun. In Titus 2 the aged women are instructed to teach us young woman, accept their wisdom. Most of the wisdom we receive will not be while were sitting down with our mom and have our Bibles open. Most of the wisdom we receive is when we make mistakes and that's the hardest time to accept it, be humble and willing to receive.
1. Make a list of requirements for your "Prince Charming". It is very important that we have a hard copy list and not just something in our head, so when a guy "swoops us off our feet" we won't begin to compromise. Write down scripture verses to back up your requirements. Share your list with your parents or a really good friend.
Bonus: Be Content. Be satisfied being single. As Christians we are complete in Christ. We cannot look to man to satisfy us. Psalm 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. God has a special plan for us all, so be patient and stay surrendered to His will.
~ Tia Chant'e Griffin